• Definition - A device that emits a short, high-pitched sound burst, such as in sonar or other echo location systems.
  • Example - We couldn't take the boat into the shallows near the reef because our sonar pinger was broken.
  • Definition - A device that periodically emits a signal that can be monitored to permit movement tracking.
  • Example - The scientist attached a pinger to the carapace of the sea turtle to track its migration.
  • Definition - A computer program that sends a ping message over a network.
  • Example - Some people like fancy pingers with extra features, but I always use the default ping application.
  • Definition - A user of a ping program; one who pings.
  • Example - Every time we replace the main page, we get flooded with pingers making sure our web site is still there.
  • Definition - An illicit drug, especially ecstasy, taken for recreational purposes.
  • Example - That was a great party. Everyone took a pinger or two.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
pinger 9
5 Letter Words
genip 8 gripe 8 repin 7 ripen 7 reign 6 renig 6
4 Letter Words
grip 7 ping 7 prig 7 pein 6 peri 6 pier 6 pine 6 pirn 6 ripe 6 gien 5 girn 5 grin 5 ring 5 rein 4
3 Letter Words
gip 6 peg 6 pig 6 nip 5 pen 5 per 5 pie 5 pin 5 rep 5 rip 5 eng 4 erg 4 gen 4 gie 4 gin 4 neg 4 reg 4 rig 4 ern 3 ire 3 rei 3 rin 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 pi 4 gi 3 en 2 er 2 in 2 ne 2 re 2