• Definition - A high-pitched, short and somewhat sharp sound.
  • Example - My car used to make an odd ping, but after the last oil change it went away.
  • Definition - (submarine navigation) A pulse of high-pitched or ultrasonic sound whose echoes provide information about nearby objects and vessels.
  • Example - The submarine sent out a ping and got an echo from a battleship.
  • Definition - A packet which a remote host is expected to echo, thus indicating its presence.
  • Example - The network is overloaded from all the pings going out.
  • Definition - An email or other message sent requesting acknowledgement.
  • Example - I sent a ping to the insurance company to see if they received our claim.
  • Definition - Latency.
  • Example - I sent a ping to the insurance company to see if they received our claim.
  • Definition - A means of highlighting a feature on the game map so that allied players can see it.
  • Example - I sent a ping to the insurance company to see if they received our claim.
  • Definition - (WMF jargon) A notification.
  • Example - I sent a ping to the insurance company to see if they received our claim.
  • Definition - To make a high-pitched, short and somewhat sharp sound.
  • Example - My car was pinging until my last oil change.
  • Definition - (submarine navigation) To emit a signal and then listen for its echo in order to detect objects.
  • Example - My car was pinging until my last oil change.
  • Definition - To send a packet in order to determine whether a host is present, particularly by use of the ping utility.
  • Example - I'm pinging their server.
  • Definition - (by extension) To send an email or other message to someone in hopes of eliciting a response.
  • Example - I'll ping the insurance company again to see if they've received our claim.
  • Definition - To flick.
  • Example - I pinged the crumb off the table with my finger.
  • Definition - To bounce.
  • Example - The ball pinged off the wall and came hurtling back.
  • Definition - To cause something to bounce.
  • Example - The ball pinged off the wall and came hurtling back.
  • Definition - To call out audibly.
  • Example - The ball pinged off the wall and came hurtling back.
  • Definition - To penalize.
  • Example - Gary Ablett was pinged for holding the ball and gave away a free kick.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
ping 7
3 Letter Words
gip 6 pig 6 nip 5 pin 5 gin 4
2 Letter Words
pi 4 gi 3 in 2