• Definition - Fellatio; blowjob
  • Definition - An act of eating hastily or greedily.
  • Definition - To eat hastily or greedily; to scoff or scarf (often used with up)
  • Example - He gobbled four hot dogs in three minutes.
  • Definition - The sound of a turkey.
  • Example - He gobbled four hot dogs in three minutes.
  • Definition - A rapid straight putt so strongly played that, if the ball had not gone into the hole, it would have gone a long way past.
  • Example - He gobbled four hot dogs in three minutes.
  • Definition - To make the sound of a turkey.
  • Example - He gobbled four hot dogs in three minutes.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
gobbles 12
6 Letter Words
gobble 11 bogles 9 globes 9
5 Letter Words
blebs 9 blobs 9 blogs 8 bogle 8 globe 8 globs 8 boles 7 lesbo 7 lobes 7 loges 6 ogles 6
4 Letter Words
bleb 8 blob 8 bobs 8 ebbs 8 begs 7 blog 7 bogs 7 glob 7 gobs 7 bels 6 bole 6 lobe 6 lobs 6 obes 6 slob 6 egos 5 gels 5 goes 5 legs 5 loge 5 logs 5 ogle 5 sego 5 slog 5 lose 4 oles 4 sloe 4 sole 4
3 Letter Words
bob 7 ebb 7 beg 6 bog 6 gob 6 bel 5 bes 5 bos 5 lob 5 obe 5 sob 5 ego 4 gel 4 gos 4 leg 4 log 4 seg 4 els 3 les 3 oes 3 ole 3 ose 3 sel 3 sol 3
2 Letter Words
be 4 bo 4 go 3 el 2 es 2 lo 2 oe 2 os 2 so 2