• Definition - The act of begging; an imploring request.
  • Definition - To request the help of someone, often in the form of money.
  • Example - He begged on the street corner from passers-by.
  • Definition - To plead with someone for help, a favor, etc.; to entreat.
  • Example - He begged her to go to the prom with him.
  • Synonyms - supplicate
  • Definition - In the phrase beg the question: to assume.
  • Example - He begged her to go to the prom with him.
  • Definition - In the phrase beg the question: to raise (a question).
  • Example - He begged her to go to the prom with him.
  • Definition - To ask to be appointed guardian for, or to ask to have a guardian appointed for.
  • Example - He begged her to go to the prom with him.
  • Definition - A provincial governor under the Ottoman Empire; a bey.
  • Example - He begged her to go to the prom with him.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
begs 7
3 Letter Words
beg 6 bes 5 seg 4
2 Letter Words
be 4 es 2