• Definition - A building (or section of a building) used to store a car or cars, tools and other miscellaneous items.
  • Definition - (20th century) A place where cars are serviced and repaired.
  • Definition - A petrol filling station.
  • Definition - A shed for housing an airship or aeroplane or a launchable missile; a hangar.
  • Definition - A side way or space in a canal to enable vessels to pass each other; a siding.
  • Definition - A type of guitar rock music, personified by amateur bands playing in the basement or garage; garage rock.
  • Definition - A type of electronic dance music related to house music, with warped and time-stretched sounds; UK garage.
  • Definition - To store in a garage.
  • Example - We garaged the convertible during the monsoon months.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
garage 8
5 Letter Words
agger 7 eggar 7 gager 7 ragga 7
4 Letter Words
gaga 6 gage 6 ragg 6 agar 5 ager 5 areg 5 gear 5 raga 5 rage 5 area 4
3 Letter Words
egg 5 gag 5 aga 4 age 4 erg 4 gae 4 gar 4 rag 4 reg 4 are 3 ear 3 era 3
2 Letter Words
ag 3 aa 2 ae 2 ar 2 er 2 re 2