• Definition - A self-propelled deep-sea diving submersible for exploring the ocean depths, consisting of a crew cabin similar to a bathysphere suspended below a float filled with a buoyant liquid such as petrol.
Words in your word
12 Letter Words
bathyscaphes 27
11 Letter Words
bathyscaphe 26 bathyscaphs 26
10 Letter Words
bathyscaph 25
9 Letter Words
basepaths 16
8 Letter Words
scyphate 18 basepath 15
7 Letter Words
bypaths 17 psyches 17 aphthae 15 chetahs 15 hatches 15 scythes 15 apaches 14 batches 14 casbahs 14 hepcats 14 patches 14 sheaths 13 abashes 12 ecstasy 12 sachets 12 scathes 12 spathes 12 aspects 11
6 Letter Words
hyphae 17 beachy 16 bypath 16 patchy 16 peachy 16 psyche 16 psychs 16 heathy 15 apathy 14 aphtha 14 chesty 14 chetah 14 cheths 14 ephahs 14 physes 14 scythe 14 yachts 14 apache 13 baches 13 betcha 13 bypass 13 bypast 13 casbah 13 chapes 13 cheaps 13 hepcat 13 pachas 13 spacey 13 becaps 12 hashes 12 heaths 12 sashay 12 sheath 12 shyest 12 bashes 11 bathes 11 bayest 11 cashes 11 chaeta 11 chases 11 chasse 11 chaste 11 cheats 11 chests 11 pashas 11 pashes 11 payess 11 phases 11 sachet 11 scathe 11
5 Letter Words
hypha 16 psych 15 chays 13 cheth 13 ephah 13 hatch 13 heapy 13 hypes 13 syphs 13 techy 13 yacht 13 yechs 13 batch 12 beach 12 caphs 12 chape 12 chaps 12 chapt 12 cheap 12 pacey 12 pacha 12 patch 12 peach 12 pechs 12 spacy 12 ayahs 11 becap 11 hahas 11 hasty 11 heath 11 heths 11 shahs 11 shays 11 yeahs 11 abash 10 abyes 10 abyss 10 aches 10 bahts 10 bassy 10 bathe 10 baths 10 beths 10 bytes 10 chase 10 chats 10 cheat 10 chess 10 chest 10 cysts 10
4 Letter Words
achy 12 chay 12 hype 12 hyps 12 syph 12 yech 12 bach 11 caph 11 chap 11 pacy 11 pech 11 ashy 10 ayah 10 haha 10 hahs 10 hash 10 hath 10 hays 10 hehs 10 heth 10 hyte 10 shah 10 shay 10 they 10 yeah 10 abye 9 abys 9 ache 9 baht 9 bash 9 bath 9 bays 9 beth 9 beys 9 byes 9 byte 9 cash 9 cays 9 chat 9 cyst 9 each 9 echt 9 epha 9 espy 9 etch 9 haps 9 hasp 9 heap 9 heps 9 pash 9
3 Letter Words
hyp 11 hah 9 hay 9 heh 9 hey 9 shh 9 shy 9 thy 9 yah 9 yeh 9 aby 8 bah 8 bay 8 bey 8 bye 8 bys 8 cay 8 hap 8 hep 8 pah 8 pay 8 peh 8 pht 8 pya 8 pye 8 spy 8 yap 8 yep 8 bap 7 cab 7 cap 7 cep 7 pac 7 pec 7 aah 6 aha 6 ahs 6 ash 6 aye 6 ays 6 eth 6 hae 6 has 6 hat 6 hes 6 het 6 say 6 sha 6 she 6 sty 6
2 Letter Words
by 7 ah 5 ay 5 eh 5 ha 5 he 5 sh 5 ya 5 ye 5 ab 4 ba 4 be 4 pa 4 pe 4 aa 2 ae 2 as 2 at 2 es 2 et 2 ta 2 te 2