• Definition - A tub or pool which is used for bathing: bathtub.
  • Definition - A building or area where bathing occurs.
  • Definition - The act of bathing.
  • Definition - A substance or preparation in which something is immersed.
  • Example - a bath of heated sand, ashes, steam, or hot air
  • Definition - To wash a person or animal in a bath
  • Example - a bath of heated sand, ashes, steam, or hot air
  • Definition - A room containing a shower and/or bathtub, and (typically but not necessarily) a toilet.
  • Example - a bath of heated sand, ashes, steam, or hot air
  • Definition - A lavatory: a room containing a toilet and (typically but not necessarily) a bathtub.
  • Example - Most Americans don't know 'WC' and many Brits mock 'bathroom' but almost everyone understands 'toilet' or 'lavatory'.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
baht 9 bath 9
3 Letter Words
bah 8 hat 6 bat 5 tab 5
2 Letter Words
ah 5 ha 5 ab 4 ba 4 at 2 ta 2