• Definition - To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible.
  • Definition - To come before the public.
  • Example - A great writer appeared at that time.
  • Definition - To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge, plead a cause, etc.; to present oneself as a party or advocate before a court, or as a person to be tried.
  • Example - A great writer appeared at that time.
  • Definition - To become visible to the apprehension of the mind; to be known as a subject of observation or comprehension, or as a thing proved; to be obvious or manifest.
  • Example - A great writer appeared at that time.
  • Definition - To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look.
  • Example - He appeared quite happy with the result.
  • Definition - To bring into view.
  • Example - He appeared quite happy with the result.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
appears 11
6 Letter Words
appear 10 papers 10 sapper 10 arepas 8 sarape 8
5 Letter Words
papas 9 paper 9 perps 9 preps 9 repps 9 apers 7 apres 7 arepa 7 asper 7 parae 7 paras 7 pares 7 parse 7 pears 7 prase 7 presa 7 rapes 7 reaps 7 spare 7 spear 7 areas 5
4 Letter Words
apps 8 papa 8 paps 8 peps 8 perp 8 prep 8 repp 8 aper 6 apes 6 apse 6 para 6 pare 6 pars 6 pase 6 pear 6 peas 6 rape 6 raps 6 rasp 6 reap 6 reps 6 spae 6 spar 6 area 4 ares 4 arse 4 asea 4 ears 4 eras 4 rase 4 sear 4 sera 4
3 Letter Words
app 7 pap 7 pep 7 ape 5 asp 5 par 5 pas 5 pea 5 per 5 pes 5 rap 5 rep 5 sap 5 spa 5 aas 3 are 3 ars 3 ear 3 era 3 ers 3 ras 3 res 3 sae 3 sea 3 ser 3
2 Letter Words
pa 4 pe 4 aa 2 ae 2 ar 2 as 2 er 2 es 2 re 2