• Definition - To cut (for example a grain) with a sickle, scythe, or reaping machine
  • Definition - To gather (e.g. a harvest) by cutting.
  • Definition - To obtain or receive as a reward, in a good or a bad sense.
  • Example - to reap a benefit from exertions
  • Definition - To terminate a child process that has previously exited, thereby removing it from the process table.
  • Example - Until a child process is reaped, it may be listed in the process table as a zombie or defunct process.
  • Definition - To deprive of the beard; to shave.
  • Example - Until a child process is reaped, it may be listed in the process table as a zombie or defunct process.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
apers 7 apres 7 asper 7 pares 7 parse 7 pears 7 prase 7 presa 7 rapes 7 reaps 7 spare 7 spear 7
4 Letter Words
aper 6 apes 6 apse 6 pare 6 pars 6 pase 6 pear 6 peas 6 rape 6 raps 6 rasp 6 reap 6 reps 6 spae 6 spar 6 ares 4 arse 4 ears 4 eras 4 rase 4 sear 4 sera 4
3 Letter Words
ape 5 asp 5 par 5 pas 5 pea 5 per 5 pes 5 rap 5 rep 5 sap 5 spa 5 are 3 ars 3 ear 3 era 3 ers 3 ras 3 res 3 sae 3 sea 3 ser 3
2 Letter Words
pa 4 pe 4 ae 2 ar 2 as 2 er 2 es 2 re 2