• Definition - The condition of being worthy; honour, distinction.
  • Definition - The devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object.
  • Definition - The religious ceremonies that express this devotion.
  • Definition - (by extension) Voluntary, utter submission; voluntary, utter deference.
  • Definition - (also by extension) Ardent love.
  • Definition - An object of worship.
  • Definition - Honour; respect; civil deference.
  • Definition - (chiefly British) Used as a title or term of address for various officials, including magistrates
  • Definition - To reverence (a deity, etc.) with supreme respect and veneration; to perform religious exercises in honour of.
  • Definition - To honour with extravagant love and extreme submission, as a lover; to adore; to idolize.
  • Definition - To participate in religious ceremonies.
  • Example - We worship at the church down the road.
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
worships 16
7 Letter Words
worship 15
6 Letter Words
whosis 12 roshis 9
5 Letter Words
whips 13 whops 13 shows 11 swish 11 whirs 11 prows 10 ships 10 shops 10 sophs 10 swops 10 wisps 10 roshi 8 shris 8 pisos 7 priss 7 pross 7
4 Letter Words
whip 12 whop 12 hows 10 show 10 whir 10 wish 10 hips 9 hops 9 phis 9 phos 9 pish 9 posh 9 pows 9 prow 9 ship 9 shop 9 soph 9 swop 9 wisp 9 wops 9 hiss 7 rhos 7 rows 7 shri 7 sohs 7 sows 7 wiss 7 piso 6 piss 6 pois 6 pros 6 psis 6 rips 6 sips 6 sops 6 sirs 4 sori 4 sris 4
3 Letter Words
how 9 who 9 hip 8 hop 8 phi 8 pho 8 poh 8 pow 8 wop 8 his 6 hos 6 ohs 6 rho 6 row 6 sho 6 soh 6 sow 6 wis 6 wos 6 ops 5 pis 5 poi 5 pos 5 pro 5 psi 5 rip 5 sip 5 sop 5 ors 3 sir 3 sis 3 sos 3 sri 3
2 Letter Words
hi 5 ho 5 oh 5 ow 5 sh 5 wo 5 op 4 pi 4 po 4 is 2 oi 2 or 2 os 2 si 2 so 2