• Definition - A small bundle, as of straw or other like substance; any slender, flexible structure or group.
  • Example - A wisp of hair escaped her barrette and whipped wildly in the wind.
  • Definition - A whisk, or small broom.
  • Example - A wisp of hair escaped her barrette and whipped wildly in the wind.
  • Definition - A will o' the wisp, or ignis fatuus.
  • Example - A wisp of hair escaped her barrette and whipped wildly in the wind.
  • Definition - An immeasurable, indefinable essence of life; soul.
  • Example - A wisp of hair escaped her barrette and whipped wildly in the wind.
  • Definition - A disease affecting the feet of cattle.
  • Example - A wisp of hair escaped her barrette and whipped wildly in the wind.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
wisps 10
4 Letter Words
wisp 9 wiss 7 piss 6 psis 6 sips 6
3 Letter Words
wis 6 pis 5 psi 5 sip 5 sis 3
2 Letter Words
pi 4 is 2 si 2