• Definition - In a wine bottle, the empty space between the cork and the top of the wine.
  • Definition - In a cask or barrel, the empty space, occupied by air, that is created by not completely filling the cask or barrel, or through spillage.
  • Definition - The topping-up of such a barrel with fresh wine.
  • Definition - In an industrial setting, the empty space in a tank, such as for fuel.
  • Definition - To gauge the amount of empty space between the top of a cask and the level of liquid inside it.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
ullage 7
5 Letter Words
legal 6
4 Letter Words
aglu 5 ague 5 egal 5 gale 5 gall 5 glue 5 gull 5 luge 5 leal 4
3 Letter Words
age 4 gae 4 gal 4 gel 4 gul 4 lag 4 leg 4 lug 4 ale 3 all 3 eau 3 ell 3 lea 3 leu 3
2 Letter Words
ag 3 ae 2 al 2 el 2 la 2