• Definition - A house of worship, especially:
  • Definition - A meeting house of the Oddfellows fraternity; its members.
  • Definition - Any place regarded as holding a religious presence.
  • Definition - Any place seen as an important centre for some activity.
  • Example - a temple of commerce, a temple of drinking and dining
  • Definition - Anything regarded as important or minutely cared for.
  • Example - My body is my temple.
  • Definition - A gesture wherein the forefingers are outstretched and touch pad to pad while the other fingers are clasped together.
  • Example - My body is my temple.
  • Definition - To build a temple for; to appropriate a temple to; to temple a god
  • Example - My body is my temple.
  • Definition - The slightly flatter region, on either side of the human head, behind of the eye and forehead, above the zygomatic arch, and forward of the ear.
  • Example - My body is my temple.
  • Definition - Either of the sidepieces on a set of spectacles, extending backwards from the hinge toward the ears and, usually, turning down around them.
  • Example - My body is my temple.
  • Definition - A contrivance used in a loom for keeping the web stretched transversely.
  • Example - My body is my temple.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
pelmets 11 temples 11
6 Letter Words
pelmet 10 semple 10 temple 10 pestle 8
5 Letter Words
temps 9 meets 7 melts 7 metes 7 peels 7 peles 7 pelts 7 sleep 7 slept 7 smelt 7 speel 7 spelt 7 steep 7 teems 7 leets 5 sleet 5 steel 5 stele 5 teels 5 teles 5
4 Letter Words
temp 8 elms 6 emes 6 lept 6 meet 6 mels 6 melt 6 mete 6 peel 6 pees 6 pele 6 pelt 6 pest 6 pets 6 seem 6 seep 6 seme 6 sept 6 stem 6 step 6 teem 6 eels 4 else 4 lees 4 leet 4 lest 4 lets 4 seel 4 teel 4 tees 4 tele 4 tels 4
3 Letter Words
elm 5 eme 5 ems 5 mel 5 mes 5 met 5 pee 5 pes 5 pet 5 pst 5 eel 3 els 3 est 3 lee 3 les 3 let 3 see 3 sel 3 set 3 tee 3 tel 3 tes 3
2 Letter Words
em 4 me 4 pe 4 el 2 es 2 et 2 te 2