• Definition - To make contact (with) while in proximity.
  • Definition - (Of groups) To come together.
  • Definition - To make physical or perceptual contact.
  • Definition - To satisfy; to comply with.
  • Example - This proposal meets my requirements. The company agrees to meet the cost of any repairs.
  • Definition - To balance or come out correct.
  • Example - This proposal meets my requirements. The company agrees to meet the cost of any repairs.
  • Definition - To perceive; to come to a knowledge of; to have personal acquaintance with; to experience; to suffer.
  • Example - The eye met a horrid sight. He met his fate.
  • Definition - To be mixed with, to be combined with aspects of.
  • Example - The eye met a horrid sight. He met his fate.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
met 5
2 Letter Words
em 4 me 4 et 2 te 2