• Definition - Furniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses.
  • Definition - A two-dimensional presentation of data.
  • Definition - The top of a stringed instrument, particularly a member of the violin family: the side of the instrument against which the strings vibrate.
  • Definition - One half of a backgammon board, which is divided into the inner and outer table.
  • Definition - The flat topmost facet of a cut diamond.
  • Definition - To tabulate; to put into a table or grid.
  • Example - to table fines
  • Definition - To supply (a guest, client etc.) with food at a table; to feed.
  • Example - to table fines
  • Definition - To delineate; to represent, as in a picture; to depict.
  • Example - to table fines
  • Definition - (non-US) To put on the table of a commission or legislative assembly; to propose for formal discussion or consideration, to put on the agenda.
  • Example - to table fines
  • Definition - To remove from the agenda, to postpone dealing with; to shelve (to indefinitely postpone consideration or discussion of something).
  • Example - The legislature tabled the amendment, so they will not be discussing it until later.
  • Definition - To join (pieces of timber) together using coaks.
  • Example - The legislature tabled the amendment, so they will not be discussing it until later.
  • Definition - To put on a table.
  • Example - The legislature tabled the amendment, so they will not be discussing it until later.
  • Definition - To make board hems in the skirts and bottoms of (sails) in order to strengthen them in the part attached to the bolt-rope.
  • Example - The legislature tabled the amendment, so they will not be discussing it until later.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
blate 7 bleat 7 table 7
4 Letter Words
abet 6 able 6 bale 6 bate 6 beal 6 beat 6 belt 6 beta 6 blae 6 blat 6 blet 6 late 4 tael 4 tale 4 teal 4 tela 4
3 Letter Words
alb 5 bal 5 bat 5 bel 5 bet 5 lab 5 tab 5 ale 3 alt 3 ate 3 eat 3 eta 3 lat 3 lea 3 let 3 tae 3 tea 3 tel 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 be 4 ae 2 al 2 at 2 el 2 et 2 la 2 ta 2 te 2