• Definition - Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Rhus and other genera in Anacardiaceae, particularly the elm-leaved sumac, Sicilian sumac, or tanner's sumac (Rhus coriaria).
  • Definition - Dried and chopped-up leaves and stems of a plant of the genus Rhus, particularly the tanner's sumac (see sense 1), used for dyeing and tanning leather or for medicinal purposes.
  • Definition - A sour spice popular in the Eastern Mediterranean, made from the berries of tanner's sumac.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
sumachs 14
6 Letter Words
chasms 13 sumach 13 samshu 11 sauchs 11 shamus 11 sumacs 10
5 Letter Words
chams 12 chasm 12 chums 12 machs 12 sauch 10 shams 10 smash 10 smush 10 musca 9 scams 9 scums 9 sumac 9 ascus 7 casus 7
4 Letter Words
cham 11 chum 11 mach 11 much 11 cash 9 hams 9 hums 9 mash 9 mush 9 sham 9 such 9 cams 8 cums 8 macs 8 scam 8 scum 8 sash 7 amus 6 cuss 6 mass 6 muss 6 sacs 6 sums 6
3 Letter Words
ham 8 hum 8 cam 7 cum 7 mac 7 ahs 6 ash 6 has 6 sha 6 amu 5 mas 5 mus 5 sac 5 sum 5 ums 5 ass 3 sau 3 sus 3
2 Letter Words
hm 7 ah 5 ha 5 sh 5 uh 5 am 4 ma 4 mu 4 um 4 as 2 us 2