• Definition - A layer of impurities that accumulates at the surface of a liquid (especially molten metal or water).
  • Example - During smelting, scum rises to the surface and is then removed by the smelter.
  • Definition - A greenish water vegetation (such as algae), usually found floating on the surface of ponds
  • Example - These organisms form scum in large quantities.
  • Definition - The topmost liquid layer of a cesspool or septic tank.
  • Example - These organisms form scum in large quantities.
  • Definition - (chiefly US) semen
  • Example - These organisms form scum in large quantities.
  • Definition - A reprehensible person or persons.
  • Example - People who sell used-up pens are scum, just total low-lives.
  • Definition - To remove the layer of scum from (a liquid etc.).
  • Example - People who sell used-up pens are scum, just total low-lives.
  • Definition - To remove (something) as scum.
  • Example - People who sell used-up pens are scum, just total low-lives.
  • Definition - To become covered with scum.
  • Example - People who sell used-up pens are scum, just total low-lives.
  • Definition - To scour (the land, sea etc.).
  • Example - People who sell used-up pens are scum, just total low-lives.
  • Definition - To gather together, as scum.
  • Example - People who sell used-up pens are scum, just total low-lives.
  • Definition - To startscum or savescum.
  • Example - People who sell used-up pens are scum, just total low-lives.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
cums 8 scum 8
3 Letter Words
cum 7 mus 5 sum 5 ums 5
2 Letter Words
mu 4 um 4 us 2