• Definition - An act of spurning; a scornful rejection.
  • Definition - A kick; a blow with the foot.
  • Definition - Disdainful rejection; contemptuous treatment.
  • Definition - A body of coal left to sustain an overhanging mass.
  • Definition - To reject disdainfully; contemn; scorn.
  • Definition - To reject something by pushing it away with the foot.
  • Definition - To waste; fail to make the most of (an opportunity)
  • Definition - To kick or toss up the heels.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
spurn 7
4 Letter Words
puns 6 purs 6 spun 6 spur 6 urps 6 runs 4 urns 4
3 Letter Words
pun 5 pur 5 pus 5 sup 5 ups 5 urp 5 nus 3 run 3 sun 3 uns 3 urn 3
2 Letter Words
up 4 nu 2 un 2 us 2