• Definition - A regular three-dimensional object in which every cross-section is a circle; the figure described by the revolution of a circle about its diameter .
  • Definition - A spherical physical object; a globe or ball.
  • Definition - The apparent outer limit of space; the edge of the heavens, imagined as a hollow globe within which celestial bodies appear to be embedded.
  • Definition - Any of the concentric hollow transparent globes formerly believed to rotate around the Earth, and which carried the heavenly bodies; there were originally believed to be eight, and later nine and ten; friction between them was thought to cause a harmonious sound (the music of the spheres).
  • Definition - An area of activity for a planet; or by extension, an area of influence for a god, hero etc.
  • Definition - The region in which something or someone is active; one's province, domain.
  • Definition - The set of all points in three-dimensional Euclidean space (or n-dimensional space, in topology) that are a fixed distance from a fixed point .
  • Definition - The extension of a general conception, or the totality of the individuals or species to which it may be applied.
  • Definition - To place in a sphere, or among the spheres; to ensphere.
  • Definition - To make round or spherical; to perfect.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
herpes 11 sphere 11
5 Letter Words
sheep 10 heres 8 sheer 8 peers 7 peres 7 perse 7 prees 7 prese 7 speer 7 spree 7
4 Letter Words
heps 9 pehs 9 here 7 hers 7 resh 7 peer 6 pees 6 pere 6 pree 6 reps 6 seep 6 rees 4 seer 4 sere 4
3 Letter Words
hep 8 peh 8 her 6 hes 6 she 6 pee 5 per 5 pes 5 rep 5 ere 3 ers 3 ree 3 res 3 see 3 ser 3
2 Letter Words
eh 5 he 5 sh 5 pe 4 er 2 es 2 re 2