• Definition - A range; a continuous, infinite, one-dimensional set, possibly bounded by extremes.
  • Definition - Specifically, a range of colours representing light (electromagnetic radiation) of contiguous frequencies; hence electromagnetic spectrum, visible spectrum, ultraviolet spectrum, etc.
  • Definition - The autism spectrum.
  • Definition - The pattern of absorption or emission of radiation produced by a substance when subjected to energy (radiation, heat, electricity, etc.).
  • Definition - The set of eigenvalues of a matrix.
  • Definition - Of a bounded linear operator A, the set of scalar values λ such that the operator A—λI, where I denotes the identity operator, does not have a bounded inverse; intended as a generalisation of the linear algebra sense.
  • Definition - (abstract algebra) The set, denoted Spec(R), of all prime ideals of a given ring R, commonly augmented with a Zariski topology and considered as a topological space.
  • Definition - Specter, apparition.
  • Definition - The image of something seen that persists after the eyes are closed.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
carpets 11 preacts 11 precast 11 spectra 11
6 Letter Words
aspect 10 capers 10 carpet 10 crapes 10 epacts 10 escarp 10 pacers 10 parsec 10 preact 10 recaps 10 scrape 10 secpar 10 spacer 10 carets 8 cartes 8 caster 8 caters 8 crates 8 paster 8 paters 8 prates 8 reacts 8 recast 8 repast 8 tapers 8 traces 8 trapes 8
4 Letter Words
cape 8 caps 8 carp 8 ceps 8 crap 8 pace 8 pacs 8 pact 8 pecs 8 perc 8 spec 8 aces 6 acre 6 acts 6 aper 6 apes 6 apse 6 arcs 6 care 6 cars 6 cart 6 case 6 cast 6 cate 6 cats 6 cert 6 pare 6 pars 6 part 6 pase 6 past 6 pate 6 pats 6 pear 6 peas 6 peat 6 pert 6 pest 6 pets 6 prat 6 race 6 rape 6 raps 6 rapt 6 rasp 6 reap 6 recs 6 reps 6 scar 6 scat 6
3 Letter Words
cap 7 cep 7 pac 7 pec 7 ace 5 act 5 ape 5 apt 5 arc 5 asp 5 car 5 cat 5 par 5 pas 5 pat 5 pea 5 per 5 pes 5 pet 5 pst 5 rap 5 rec 5 rep 5 sac 5 sap 5 sec 5 spa 5 tap 5 tec 5 are 3 ars 3 art 3 ate 3 ear 3 eat 3 era 3 ers 3 est 3 eta 3 ras 3 rat 3 res 3 ret 3 sae 3 sat 3 sea 3 ser 3 set 3 tae 3 tar 3
2 Letter Words
pa 4 pe 4 ae 2 ar 2 as 2 at 2 er 2 es 2 et 2 re 2 ta 2 te 2