• Definition - The skin shed by a snake or other reptile.
  • Example - That is the slough of a rattler; we must be careful.
  • Definition - Dead skin on a sore or ulcer.
  • Example - This is the slough that came off of his skin after the burn.
  • Definition - To shed (skin).
  • Example - Snakes slough their skin periodically.
  • Definition - To slide off (like a layer of skin).
  • Example - A week after he was burned, a layer of skin on his arm sloughed off.
  • Definition - To discard.
  • Example - East sloughed a heart.
  • Definition - (Western US) To commit truancy, be absent from school without permission. (compare ditch)
  • Example - "Dude, Kaydn and Jarom are totally sloughing today!"
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
ghouls 10 loughs 10 slough 10
5 Letter Words
ghoul 9 lough 9 sough 9
4 Letter Words
gosh 8 gush 8 hogs 8 hugs 8 shog 8 sugh 8 ughs 8 hols 7 lush 7 shul 7 guls 5 logs 5 lugs 5 slog 5 slug 5 soul 4
3 Letter Words
hog 7 hug 7 ugh 7 hos 6 ohs 6 sho 6 soh 6 gos 4 gul 4 log 4 lug 4 sol 3 sou 3
2 Letter Words
ho 5 oh 5 sh 5 uh 5 go 3 lo 2 os 2 so 2 us 2