• Definition - Any animal belonging to the Suidae family of mammals, especially the pig, the warthog, and the boar.
  • Definition - (specifically) An adult swine (contrasted with a pig, a young swine).
  • Definition - A greedy person; one who refuses to share.
  • Definition - A large motorcycle, particularly a Harley-Davidson.
  • Definition - A young sheep that has not been shorn.
  • Definition - A rough, flat scrubbing broom for scrubbing a ship's bottom under water.
  • Definition - A device for mixing and stirring the pulp from which paper is made.
  • Definition - A shilling coin; its value, 12 old pence.
  • Definition - A tanner, a sixpence coin; its value.
  • Definition - A half-crown coin; its value, 30 old pence.
  • Definition - The effect of the middle of the hull of a ship rising while the ends droop
  • Definition - To greedily take more than one's share, to take precedence at the expense of another or others.
  • Example - Hey! Quit hogging all the blankets.
  • Definition - To clip the mane of a horse, making it short and bristly.
  • Example - Hey! Quit hogging all the blankets.
  • Definition - To scrub with a hog, or scrubbing broom.
  • Example - Hey! Quit hogging all the blankets.
  • Definition - To cause the keel of a ship to arch upwards (the opposite of sag).
  • Example - Hey! Quit hogging all the blankets.
  • Definition - To process (bark, etc.) into hog fuel.
  • Example - Hey! Quit hogging all the blankets.
  • Definition - A quahog (clam)
  • Example - Hey! Quit hogging all the blankets.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
gosh 8 hogs 8 shog 8
3 Letter Words
hog 7 hos 6 ohs 6 sho 6 soh 6 gos 4
2 Letter Words
ho 5 oh 5 sh 5 go 3 os 2 so 2