• Definition - Someone who sleeps.
  • Example - I'm a light sleeper: I get woken up by the smallest of sounds.
  • Definition - That which lies dormant, as a law.
  • Example - I'm a light sleeper: I get woken up by the smallest of sounds.
  • Definition - A spy, saboteur, or terrorist who lives unobtrusively in a community until activated by a prearranged signal; may be part of a sleeper cell.
  • Example - I'm a light sleeper: I get woken up by the smallest of sounds.
  • Definition - A small starter earring, worn to prevent a piercing from closing.
  • Example - I'm a light sleeper: I get woken up by the smallest of sounds.
  • Definition - A railway sleeping car.
  • Example - We spent a night on an uncomfortable sleeper between Athens and Vienna.
  • Definition - A sleeper hold.
  • Example - We spent a night on an uncomfortable sleeper between Athens and Vienna.
  • Definition - Something that achieves unexpected success after an interval of time.
  • Example - A box-office bomb when it first came out, the film was a sleeper, becoming much more popular decades after being released.
  • Synonyms - sleeper hit
  • Definition - A goby-like bottom-feeding freshwater fish of the family Odontobutidae.
  • Example - A box-office bomb when it first came out, the film was a sleeper, becoming much more popular decades after being released.
  • Definition - A nurse shark (family Ginglymostomatidae).
  • Example - A box-office bomb when it first came out, the film was a sleeper, becoming much more popular decades after being released.
  • Definition - A type of pajama for a person, especially a child, that covers the whole body, including the feet.
  • Example - Aaron, Devin, and Laura looked so comfy in their sleepers.
  • Definition - An automobile which has been internally modified to excess, while retaining a mostly stock appearance in order to fool opponents in a drag race, or to avoid the attention of the police.
  • Example - Aaron, Devin, and Laura looked so comfy in their sleepers.
  • Definition - A sedative.
  • Example - Aaron, Devin, and Laura looked so comfy in their sleepers.
  • Definition - To mark a calf by cutting its ear.
  • Example - Aaron, Devin, and Laura looked so comfy in their sleepers.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
peelers 9 sleeper 9
6 Letter Words
lepers 8 peeler 8 repels 8
5 Letter Words
epees 7 leper 7 peels 7 peers 7 peles 7 peres 7 perse 7 prees 7 prese 7 repel 7 sleep 7 speel 7 speer 7 spree 7 leers 5 reels 5 resee 5
4 Letter Words
epee 6 peel 6 peer 6 pees 6 pele 6 pere 6 pree 6 reps 6 seep 6 eels 4 else 4 leer 4 lees 4 reel 4 rees 4 seel 4 seer 4 sere 4
3 Letter Words
pee 5 per 5 pes 5 rep 5 eel 3 els 3 ere 3 ers 3 lee 3 les 3 ree 3 res 3 see 3 sel 3 ser 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 el 2 er 2 es 2 re 2