• Definition - A basin used for holding water for washing.
  • Definition - A drain for carrying off wastewater.
  • Definition - A sinkhole.
  • Definition - A depression in land where water collects, with no visible outlet.
  • Definition - A heat sink.
  • Definition - A place that absorbs resources or energy.
  • Definition - The motion of a sinker pitch.
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - An object or callback that captures events; event sink
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - A destination vertex in a transportation network
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - An abode of degraded persons; a wretched place.
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - A depression in a stereotype plate.
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - A stage trap-door for shifting scenery.
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - An excavation less than a shaft.
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - (game development) One or several systems that remove currency from the game's economy, thus controlling or preventing inflation
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - (heading, physical) To move or be moved into something.
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - (heading, social) To diminish or be diminished.
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - To conceal and appropriate.
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - To keep out of sight; to suppress; to ignore.
  • Example - Jones has a two-seamer with heavy sink.
  • Definition - To pay absolutely.
  • Example - I have sunk thousands of pounds into this project.
  • Definition - To reduce or extinguish by payment.
  • Example - to sink the national debt
  • Definition - To be overwhelmed or depressed; to fail in strength.
  • Example - to sink the national debt
  • Definition - To decrease in volume, as a river; to subside; to become diminished in volume or in apparent height.
  • Example - to sink the national debt
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
sinks 9 skins 9
4 Letter Words
inks 8 kins 8 kiss 8 sink 8 skin 8 skis 8 sins 4
3 Letter Words
ink 7 kin 7 kis 7 ski 7 ins 3 sin 3 sis 3
2 Letter Words
ki 6 in 2 is 2 si 2