• Definition - A pigment (or dye)-based fluid used for writing, printing etc.
  • Definition - A particular type, color or container of this fluid.
  • Definition - The black or dark-colored fluid ejected by squid, octopus etc, as a protective strategy.
  • Definition - Publicity.
  • Example - The TSA has been getting a lot of ink lately.
  • Synonyms - ballyhoo flak hoopla hype plug spotlight
  • Definition - Tattoo work.
  • Example - The TSA has been getting a lot of ink lately.
  • Synonyms - paint
  • Definition - Cheap red wine.
  • Example - The TSA has been getting a lot of ink lately.
  • Definition - To apply ink to; to cover or smear with ink.
  • Example - The TSA has been getting a lot of ink lately.
  • Definition - To sign (a contract or similar document).
  • Example - The TSA has been getting a lot of ink lately.
  • Definition - To apply a tattoo to (someone).
  • Example - The TSA has been getting a lot of ink lately.
  • Definition - (of a squid or octopus) to eject ink (sense 3)
  • Example - The TSA has been getting a lot of ink lately.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
ink 7 kin 7
2 Letter Words
ki 6 in 2