• Definition - A hole formed in soluble rock by the action of water, serving to conduct surface water to an underground passage
  • Definition - A depressed area in which waste or drainage collects.
  • Definition - A hole in the playfield that rewards the player when the ball is guided into it.
  • Definition - A domain name server that has been configured to hand out non-routeable addresses for all domains, so that every computer that uses it will fail to get access to the real website.
  • Definition - An attack which redirects requests - be it network or memory accesses - to a new location defined by the attacker.
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
sinkhole 15
7 Letter Words
honkies 14 sonlike 11
6 Letter Words
honkie 13 eikons 10 enokis 10 inkles 10 kelson 10 koines 10 likens 10 silken 10 helios 9 holies 9 isohel 9 eloins 6 insole 6 lesion 6 oleins 6
5 Letter Words
hikes 12 hokes 12 holks 12 honks 12 knish 12 kohls 12 okehs 12 sheik 12 eikon 9 enoki 9 ikons 9 inkle 9 kenos 9 kilns 9 kilos 9 kines 9 kinos 9 koels 9 koine 9 liken 9 likes 9 links 9 oinks 9 skein 9 slink 9 heils 8 helio 8 helos 8 hoise 8 holes 8 hones 8 hosel 8 hosen 8 sheol 8 shiel 8 shine 8 shone 8 eloin 5 enols 5 eosin 5 lenis 5 lenos 5 liens 5 lines 5 linos 5 lions 5 loins 5 noels 5 noils 5 noise 5
4 Letter Words
hike 11 hoke 11 holk 11 honk 11 khis 11 kohl 11 okeh 11 elks 8 ikon 8 ilks 8 inks 8 keno 8 kens 8 kiln 8 kilo 8 kine 8 kino 8 kins 8 koel 8 kois 8 leks 8 like 8 link 8 oiks 8 oink 8 okes 8 sike 8 silk 8 sink 8 skin 8 skol 8 soke 8 elhi 7 heil 7 helo 7 hens 7 hies 7 hins 7 hisn 7 hoes 7 hole 7 hols 7 hone 7 hons 7 hose 7 nosh 7 shen 7 shin 7 shoe 7 sinh 7
3 Letter Words
khi 10 elk 7 ilk 7 ink 7 ken 7 kin 7 kis 7 koi 7 kos 7 lek 7 oik 7 oke 7 ski 7 hen 6 hes 6 hie 6 hin 6 his 6 hoe 6 hon 6 hos 6 noh 6 ohs 6 she 6 sho 6 soh 6 els 3 ens 3 eon 3 ins 3 ion 3 lei 3 les 3 lie 3 lin 3 lis 3 nil 3 nos 3 oes 3 oil 3 ole 3 one 3 ons 3 ose 3 sei 3 sel 3 sen 3 sin 3 sol 3 son 3
2 Letter Words
ki 6 ok 6 eh 5 he 5 hi 5 ho 5 oh 5 sh 5 el 2 en 2 es 2 in 2 is 2 li 2 lo 2 ne 2 no 2 oe 2 oi 2 on 2 os 2 si 2 so 2