• Definition - A short circuit.
  • Definition - A short film.
  • Definition - A short version of a garment in a particular size.
  • Example - 38 short suits fit me right off the rack.
  • Definition - A shortstop.
  • Example - Jones smashes a grounder between third and short.
  • Definition - A short seller.
  • Example - The market decline was terrible, but the shorts were buying champagne.
  • Definition - A short sale.
  • Example - He closed out his short at a modest loss after three months.
  • Definition - A summary account.
  • Example - He closed out his short at a modest loss after three months.
  • Definition - A short sound, syllable, or vowel.
  • Example - He closed out his short at a modest loss after three months.
  • Definition - An integer variable having a smaller range than normal integers; usually two bytes long.
  • Example - He closed out his short at a modest loss after three months.
  • Definition - An automobile; especially in crack shorts, to break into automobiles.
  • Example - He closed out his short at a modest loss after three months.
  • Definition - To cause a short circuit in (something).
  • Example - He closed out his short at a modest loss after three months.
  • Definition - Of an electrical circuit, to short circuit.
  • Example - He closed out his short at a modest loss after three months.
  • Definition - To shortchange.
  • Example - He closed out his short at a modest loss after three months.
  • Definition - To provide with a smaller than agreed or labeled amount.
  • Example - This is the third time I’ve caught them shorting us.
  • Definition - To sell something, especially securities, that one does not own at the moment for delivery at a later date in hopes of profiting from a decline in the price; to sell short.
  • Example - This is the third time I’ve caught them shorting us.
  • Definition - To shorten.
  • Example - This is the third time I’ve caught them shorting us.
  • Definition - Having a small distance from one end or edge to another, either horizontally or vertically.
  • Example - This is the third time I’ve caught them shorting us.
  • Definition - (of a person) Of comparatively small height.
  • Example - This is the third time I’ve caught them shorting us.
  • Definition - Having little duration.
  • Example - Our meeting was a short six minutes today. Every day for the past month it’s been at least twenty minutes long.
  • Definition - (followed by for) Of a word or phrase, constituting an abbreviation (for another) or shortened form (of another).
  • Example - “Phone” is short for “telephone” and "asap" short for "as soon as possible".
  • Definition - (of a fielder or fielding position) that is relatively close to the batsman.
  • Example - “Phone” is short for “telephone” and "asap" short for "as soon as possible".
  • Definition - (of a ball) that bounced relatively far from the batsman.
  • Example - “Phone” is short for “telephone” and "asap" short for "as soon as possible".
  • Definition - (of an approach shot or putt) that falls short of the green or the hole.
  • Example - “Phone” is short for “telephone” and "asap" short for "as soon as possible".
  • Definition - (of pastries) Brittle, crumbly, especially due to the use of a large quantity of fat. (See shortbread, shortcake, shortcrust, shortening.)
  • Example - “Phone” is short for “telephone” and "asap" short for "as soon as possible".
  • Definition - Abrupt; brief; pointed; petulant.
  • Example - He gave a short answer to the question.
  • Definition - Limited in quantity; inadequate; insufficient; scanty.
  • Example - a short supply of provisions
  • Definition - Insufficiently provided; inadequately supplied, especially with money; scantily furnished; lacking.
  • Example - I'd lend you the cash but I'm a little short at present.
  • Definition - Deficient; less; not coming up to a measure or standard.
  • Example - an account which is short of the truth
  • Definition - Undiluted; neat.
  • Example - an account which is short of the truth
  • Definition - Not distant in time; near at hand.
  • Example - an account which is short of the truth
  • Definition - Being in a financial investment position that is structured to be profitable if the price of the underlying security declines in the future.
  • Example - I'm short General Motors because I think their sales are plunging.
  • Definition - Abruptly, curtly, briefly.
  • Example - He cut me short repeatedly in the meeting.
  • Definition - Unawares.
  • Example - The recent developments at work caught them short.
  • Definition - Without achieving a goal or requirement.
  • Example - His speech fell short of what was expected.
  • Definition - (of the manner of bounce of a cricket ball) Relatively far from the batsman and hence bouncing higher than normal; opposite of full.
  • Example - His speech fell short of what was expected.
  • Definition - With a negative ownership position.
  • Example - We went short most finance companies in July.
  • Definition - Deficient in.
  • Example - He's short common sense.
  • Definition - Having a negative position in.
  • Example - I don’t want to be short the market going into the weekend.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
horst 8 short 8
4 Letter Words
host 7 hots 7 rhos 7 shot 7 soth 7 thro 7 tosh 7 orts 4 rots 4 sort 4 tors 4
3 Letter Words
hos 6 hot 6 ohs 6 rho 6 sho 6 soh 6 tho 6 ors 3 ort 3 rot 3 sot 3 tor 3
2 Letter Words
ho 5 oh 5 sh 5 or 2 os 2 so 2 to 2