• Definition - Land adjoining a non-flowing body of water, such as an ocean, lake or pond.
  • Example - lake shore;  bay shore;  gulf shore;  island shore;  mainland shore;  river shore;  estuary shore;  pond shore;  sandy shore;  rocky shore
  • Definition - (from the perspective of one on a body of water) Land, usually near a port.
  • Example - The passengers signed up for shore tours.
  • Definition - To set on shore.
  • Example - The passengers signed up for shore tours.
  • Definition - A prop or strut supporting the weight or flooring above it.
  • Example - The shores stayed upright during the earthquake.
  • Definition - (without up) To provide with support.
  • Example - The shores stayed upright during the earthquake.
  • Definition - (usually with up) To reinforce (something at risk of failure).
  • Example - The workers were shoring up the dock after part of it fell into the water.
  • Definition - (Obsolete except in Hiberno-English) A sewer.
  • Example - The workers were shoring up the dock after part of it fell into the water.
  • Definition - To warn or threaten.
  • Example - The workers were shoring up the dock after part of it fell into the water.
  • Definition - To offer.
  • Example - The workers were shoring up the dock after part of it fell into the water.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
horses 9 hosers 9 shoers 9 shores 9
5 Letter Words
heros 8 hoers 8 horse 8 hoser 8 hoses 8 shero 8 shoer 8 shoes 8 shore 8 roses 5 sores 5
4 Letter Words
hero 7 hers 7 hoer 7 hoes 7 hose 7 resh 7 rhos 7 sesh 7 shes 7 shoe 7 sohs 7 eros 4 ores 4 oses 4 roes 4 rose 4 sers 4 sore 4
3 Letter Words
her 6 hes 6 hoe 6 hos 6 ohs 6 rho 6 she 6 sho 6 soh 6 ers 3 ess 3 oes 3 ore 3 ors 3 ose 3 res 3 roe 3 ser 3 sos 3
2 Letter Words
eh 5 he 5 ho 5 oh 5 sh 5 er 2 es 2 oe 2 or 2 os 2 re 2 so 2