• Definition - A portion of something, especially a portion given or allotted to someone.
  • Definition - A financial instrument that shows that one owns a part of a company that provides the benefit of limited liability.
  • Definition - A configuration enabling a resource to be shared over a network.
  • Example - Upload media from the browser or directly to the file share.
  • Definition - The action of sharing something with other people via social media.
  • Example - Upload media from the browser or directly to the file share.
  • Definition - The sharebone or pubis.
  • Example - Upload media from the browser or directly to the file share.
  • Definition - To give part of what one has to somebody else to use or consume.
  • Example - Upload media from the browser or directly to the file share.
  • Definition - To have or use in common.
  • Example - to share a shelter with another;  They share a language.
  • Definition - To divide and distribute.
  • Example - to share a shelter with another;  They share a language.
  • Definition - To tell to another.
  • Example - He shared his story with the press.
  • Definition - The cutting blade of an agricultural machine like a plough, a cultivator or a seeding-machine.
  • Example - He shared his story with the press.
  • Definition - To cut; to shear; to cleave; to divide.
  • Example - He shared his story with the press.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
rashes 9 shares 9 shears 9
5 Letter Words
ashes 8 hares 8 hears 8 rheas 8 share 8 shear 8 sheas 8 arses 5 rases 5 sears 5
4 Letter Words
haes 7 hare 7 hear 7 hers 7 rash 7 resh 7 rhea 7 sash 7 sesh 7 shea 7 shes 7 ares 4 arse 4 ears 4 eras 4 rase 4 sear 4 seas 4 sera 4 sers 4
3 Letter Words
ahs 6 ash 6 hae 6 has 6 her 6 hes 6 rah 6 sha 6 she 6 are 3 ars 3 ass 3 ear 3 era 3 ers 3 ess 3 ras 3 res 3 sae 3 sea 3 ser 3
2 Letter Words
ah 5 eh 5 ha 5 he 5 sh 5 ae 2 ar 2 as 2 er 2 es 2 re 2