• Definition - A folded-back and stitched piece of fabric; especially, the stitching that joins two or more pieces of fabric.
  • Definition - A suture.
  • Definition - A thin stratum, especially of an economically viable material such as coal or mineral.
  • Definition - The stitched equatorial seam of a cricket ball; the sideways movement of a ball when it bounces on the seam.
  • Definition - A joint formed by mating two separate sections of materials.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - A line or depression left by a cut or wound; a scar; a cicatrix.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - A line of junction; a joint.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - To put together with a seam.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - To make the appearance of a seam in, as in knitting a stocking; hence, to knit with a certain stitch, like that in such knitting.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - To mark with a seam or line; to scar.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - To crack open along a seam.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - Of the ball, to move sideways after bouncing on the seam.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - Of a bowler, to make the ball move thus.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - An old English measure of grain, containing eight bushels.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - An old English measure of glass, containing twenty-four weys of five pounds, or 120 pounds.
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
  • Definition - Grease; tallow; lard
  • Example - Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
mases 7 masse 7 mesas 7 seams 7
4 Letter Words
maes 6 mass 6 mesa 6 mess 6 same 6 seam 6 seas 4
3 Letter Words
ems 5 mae 5 mas 5 mes 5 ass 3 ess 3 sae 3 sea 3
2 Letter Words
am 4 em 4 ma 4 me 4 ae 2 as 2 es 2