• Definition - A disagreeable mixture or confusion of things; hence, a situation resulting from blundering or from misunderstanding; disorder.
  • Example - He made a mess of it.
  • Definition - A large quantity or number.
  • Example - My boss dumped a whole mess of projects on my desk today.
  • Definition - Excrement.
  • Example - Parked under a tree, my car was soon covered in birds' mess.
  • Definition - A person in a state of (especially emotional) turmoil or disarray; an emotional wreck.
  • Example - Between the pain and the depression, I'm a mess.
  • Definition - (transitive, often used with "up") To make untidy or dirty.
  • Example - Between the pain and the depression, I'm a mess.
  • Definition - (transitive, often used with "up") To throw into disorder or to ruin.
  • Example - Between the pain and the depression, I'm a mess.
  • Definition - To interfere.
  • Example - This doesn't concern you. Don't mess.
  • Definition - (used with "with") To screw around with, to bother, to be annoying to.
  • Example - Stop messing with me!
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
mess 6
3 Letter Words
ems 5 mes 5 ess 3
2 Letter Words
em 4 me 4 es 2