• Definition - The total number of goals, points, runs, etc. earned by a participant in a game.
  • Example - The player with the highest score is the winner.
  • Definition - The number of points accrued by each of the participants in a game, expressed as a ratio or a series of numbers.
  • Example - The score is 8-1 even though it's not even half-time!
  • Definition - The performance of an individual or group on an examination or test, expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol; a grade.
  • Example - The test scores for this class were high.
  • Definition - Twenty, 20 (number).
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - A distance of twenty yards, in ancient archery and gunnery.
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - A weight of twenty pounds.
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - The written form of a musical composition showing all instrumental and vocal parts below each other.
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - The music of a movie or play.
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - Subject.
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - Account; reason; motive; sake; behalf.
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - A notch or incision; especially, one that is made as a tally mark; hence, a mark, or line, made for the purpose of account.
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - An account or reckoning; account of dues; bill; debt.
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - A criminal act, especially:
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - A sexual conquest.
  • Example - Some words have scores of meanings.
  • Definition - To cut a notch or a groove in a surface.
  • Example - The baker scored the cake so that the servers would know where to slice it.
  • Definition - To record the tally of points for a game, a match, or an examination.
  • Example - The baker scored the cake so that the servers would know where to slice it.
  • Definition - To obtain something desired.
  • Example - The baker scored the cake so that the servers would know where to slice it.
  • Definition - To provide (a film, etc.) with a musical score.
  • Example - The baker scored the cake so that the servers would know where to slice it.
  • Definition - Many, several
  • Example - The baker scored the cake so that the servers would know where to slice it.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
corses 8 crosse 8 scores 8
5 Letter Words
ceros 7 cores 7 corse 7 coses 7 cress 7 cross 7 score 7 soces 7 roses 5 sores 5
4 Letter Words
cero 6 cess 6 core 6 cors 6 coss 6 ecos 6 orcs 6 recs 6 rocs 6 secs 6 eros 4 ores 4 oses 4 roes 4 rose 4 sers 4 sore 4
3 Letter Words
cor 5 cos 5 eco 5 orc 5 rec 5 roc 5 sec 5 soc 5 ers 3 ess 3 oes 3 ore 3 ors 3 ose 3 res 3 roe 3 ser 3 sos 3
2 Letter Words
er 2 es 2 oe 2 or 2 os 2 re 2 so 2