• Definition - To divide or separate the parts of (especially something flimsy such as paper or fabric), by cutting or tearing; to tear off or out by violence.
  • Example - to rip a garment; to rip up a floor
  • Definition - To tear apart; to rapidly become two parts.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - To get by, or as if by, cutting or tearing.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - To move quickly and destructively.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - To cut wood along (parallel to) the grain.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - To copy data from CD, DVD, Internet stream, etc. to a hard drive, portable device, etc.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - (narcotics) To take a "hit" of marijuana.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - To fart.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - To mock or criticize (someone or something). (often used with on)
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - To steal; to rip off.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - To move or act fast, to rush headlong.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - To tear up for search or disclosure, or for alteration; to search to the bottom; to discover; to disclose; usually with up.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - To surf extremely well.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - The process of copying audio or video content from a CD, DVD, etc. to a hard disk.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - Wood that has been ripped (cut parallel to the grain).
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - The process of ploughing a rabbit warren with deep furrows as a form of feral control.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - The use of diet and exercise to reduce body fat and emphasize muscle mass.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - That rips, or can be removed by ripping.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
  • Definition - Excellent.
  • Example - My shirt ripped when it was caught on a bramble.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
ripping 12
6 Letter Words
piping 11 riping 9
5 Letter Words
piing 8 iring 6
4 Letter Words
grip 7 ping 7 prig 7 pirn 6 girn 5 grin 5 ring 5
3 Letter Words
pip 7 gip 6 pig 6 nip 5 pin 5 rip 5 gin 4 rig 4 rin 3
2 Letter Words
pi 4 gi 3 in 2