• Definition - To make back, as an investment.
  • Example - He barely managed to recoup his money. He sold out for just what he had invested.
  • Definition - To recover from an error.
  • Example - He barely managed to recoup his money. He sold out for just what he had invested.
  • Definition - To keep back rightfully (a part), as if by cutting off, so as to diminish a sum due; to take off (a part) from damages; to deduct.
  • Example - A landlord recouped the rent of premises from damages awarded to the plaintiff for eviction.
  • Definition - To reimburse; to indemnify; often used reflexively and in the passive.
  • Example - A landlord recouped the rent of premises from damages awarded to the plaintiff for eviction.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
croupe 10 recoup 10
5 Letter Words
coper 9 coupe 9 croup 9
4 Letter Words
cope 8 coup 8 crop 8 perc 8 puce 8 cero 6 core 6 cure 6 ecru 6 pore 6 pour 6 pure 6 repo 6 rope 6 roup 6 euro 4 roue 4
3 Letter Words
cep 7 cop 7 cup 7 pec 7 cor 5 cru 5 cue 5 cur 5 eco 5 ecu 5 ope 5 orc 5 per 5 pro 5 pur 5 rec 5 rep 5 roc 5 upo 5 urp 5 ore 3 our 3 roe 3 rue 3
2 Letter Words
op 4 pe 4 po 4 up 4 er 2 oe 2 or 2 re 2