• Definition - A fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement (count, amount) of a scalar, vector, number of items or to some other way of denominating the value of a collection or group of items.
  • Example - You have to choose between quantity and quality.
  • Definition - An indefinite amount of something.
  • Example - Olive oil can be used practically in any quantity.
  • Definition - A specific measured amount.
  • Example - Generally it should not be used in a quantity larger than 15 percent.
  • Definition - A considerable measure or amount.
  • Example - The Boeing P-26A was the first all-metal monoplane fighter produced in quantity for the U.S. Army Air Corps.
  • Definition - Property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed as number and a reference.
  • Example - The Boeing P-26A was the first all-metal monoplane fighter produced in quantity for the U.S. Army Air Corps.
  • Definition - Indicates that the entire preceding expression is henceforth considered a single object.
  • Example - x plus y quantity squared equals x squared plus 2xy plus y squared.
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
quantity 20
6 Letter Words
yanqui 18 quaint 15 quinta 15
5 Letter Words
quant 14 quint 14 aunty 8 natty 8 nitty 8 nutty 8 unity 8 taint 5 taunt 5 titan 5
4 Letter Words
quay 16 quai 13 quin 13 quit 13 ayin 7 tiny 7 tiyn 7 tyin 7 yuan 7 anti 4 aunt 4 tain 4 taut 4 tian 4 tint 4 tuna 4 unai 4 unit 4
3 Letter Words
qat 12 qua 12 any 6 nay 6 yin 6 ain 3 ait 3 ani 3 ant 3 att 3 nit 3 nut 3 tan 3 tat 3 tau 3 tin 3 tit 3 tui 3 tun 3 tut 3 uni 3 uta 3
2 Letter Words
qi 11 ay 5 ya 5 ai 2 an 2 at 2 in 2 it 2 na 2 nu 2 ta 2 ti 2 un 2 ut 2