• Definition - To pay (a debt, fine etc.).
  • Definition - To repay (someone) for (something).
  • Definition - To repay, pay back (a good deed, injury etc.).
  • Definition - To conduct or acquit (oneself); to behave (in a specified way).
  • Definition - To carry through; to go through to the end.
  • Definition - To set at rest; to free, as from anything harmful or oppressive; to relieve; to clear; to liberate.
  • Definition - To release from obligation, accusation, penalty, etc.; to absolve; to acquit.
  • Definition - To abandon, renounce (a thing).
  • Definition - To leave (a place).
  • Definition - To resign from (a job, office, position, etc.).
  • Example - After having to work overtime without being paid, I quit my job.
  • Definition - To stop, give up (an activity) (usually + gerund or verbal noun).
  • Example - John is planning to quit smoking.
  • Definition - To close (an application).
  • Example - John is planning to quit smoking.
  • Definition - (usually followed by of) Released from obligation, penalty, etc; free, clear, or rid.
  • Example - John is planning to quit smoking.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
quit 13
3 Letter Words
tui 3
2 Letter Words
qi 11 it 2 ti 2 ut 2