• Definition - A person used for sex, particularly:
  • Definition - A worthless person, particularly:
  • Definition - Short for punk rock, a genre known for short, loud, energetic songs with electric guitars and strong drums.
  • Definition - Short for punk rocker, a musician known for playing punk rock or a fan of the genre.
  • Definition - The larger nonconformist social movement associated with punk rock and its fans.
  • Definition - Any material used as tinder for lighting fires, such as agaric, dried wood, or touchwood, but especially wood altered by certain fungi.
  • Definition - A utensil for lighting wicks or fuses (such as those of fireworks) resembling stick incense.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
punker 12
5 Letter Words
prune 7
4 Letter Words
perk 10 puke 10 punk 10 kern 8 knur 8 kune 8 neuk 8 nuke 8 pure 6 rune 4
3 Letter Words
kep 9 ken 7 kue 7 uke 7 pen 5 per 5 pun 5 pur 5 rep 5 urp 5 ern 3 rue 3 run 3 urn 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 up 4 en 2 er 2 ne 2 nu 2 re 2 un 2