• Definition - A polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape, the other faces being parallelogram-shaped sides.
  • Definition - A transparent block in the shape of a prism (typically with triangular ends), used to split or reflect light.
  • Definition - A crystal in which the faces are parallel to the vertical axis.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
prims 9 prism 9
4 Letter Words
imps 8 mips 8 prim 8 simp 8 mirs 6 rims 6 rips 6
3 Letter Words
imp 7 ism 5 mir 5 mis 5 pis 5 psi 5 rim 5 rip 5 sim 5 sip 5 sir 3 sri 3
2 Letter Words
mi 4 pi 4 is 2 si 2