• Definition - A small, mischievous sprite, or a malevolent supernatural creature, somewhat comparable to a demon but smaller and less powerful.
  • Definition - A mischievous child.
  • Definition - A baby Tasmanian devil.
  • Definition - A young shoot of a plant, tree etc.
  • Definition - A scion, offspring; a child.
  • Definition - Something added to, or united with, another, to lengthen it out or repair it, such as an addition to a beehive; a feather inserted in a broken wing of a bird; or a length of twisted hair in a fishing line.
  • Definition - To plant or engraft.
  • Definition - To graft, implant; to set or fix.
  • Definition - To engraft (feathers) into a bird's wing.
  • Definition - To eke out, strengthen, enlarge.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
imps 8 mips 8 simp 8
3 Letter Words
imp 7 ism 5 mis 5 pis 5 psi 5 sim 5 sip 5
2 Letter Words
mi 4 pi 4 is 2 si 2