• Definition - To prepare a mechanism for its main work.
  • Example - You'll have to press this button twice to prime the fuel pump.
  • Definition - To apply a coat of primer paint to.
  • Example - I need to prime these handrails before we can apply the finish coat.
  • Definition - To be renewed.
  • Example - I need to prime these handrails before we can apply the finish coat.
  • Definition - To serve as priming for the charge of a gun.
  • Example - I need to prime these handrails before we can apply the finish coat.
  • Definition - (of a steam boiler) To work so that foaming occurs from too violent ebullition, which causes water to become mixed with, and be carried along with, the steam that is formed.
  • Example - I need to prime these handrails before we can apply the finish coat.
  • Definition - To apply priming to (a musket or cannon); to apply a primer to (a metallic cartridge).
  • Example - I need to prime these handrails before we can apply the finish coat.
  • Definition - To prepare; to make ready; to instruct beforehand; to coach.
  • Example - The boys are primed for mischief.
  • Definition - To trim or prune.
  • Example - to prime trees
  • Definition - To mark with a prime mark.
  • Example - to prime trees
  • Definition - The implicit memory effect in which exposure to a stimulus influences response to a subsequent stimulus.
  • Example - to prime trees
  • Definition - A substance used as a primer.
  • Example - to prime trees
  • Definition - The powder or other combustible used to communicate fire to a charge of gunpowder, as in a firearm.
  • Example - to prime trees
  • Definition - The first coating of colour, size, etc. laid on canvas, or on a building or other surface.
  • Example - to prime trees
  • Definition - The carrying over of water, with the steam, from the boiler, as into the cylinder.
  • Example - to prime trees
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
priming 12
6 Letter Words
imping 11 miring 9 riming 9 riping 9
5 Letter Words
primi 9 piing 8 mirin 7 iring 6
4 Letter Words
gimp 9 impi 8 prim 8 grim 7 grip 7 ping 7 prig 7 mini 6 miri 6 pirn 6 girn 5 grin 5 ring 5
3 Letter Words
imp 7 gip 6 mig 6 pig 6 mir 5 nim 5 nip 5 pin 5 rim 5 rip 5 gin 4 rig 4 rin 3
2 Letter Words
mi 4 pi 4 gi 3 in 2