• Definition - A pretty person; a term of address to a pretty person.
  • Definition - Something that is pretty.
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
  • Definition - To make pretty; to beautify
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
  • Definition - Pleasant to the sight or other senses; attractive, especially of women or children, but less strikingly than something beautiful.
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
  • Definition - Of objects or things: nice-looking, appealing.
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
  • Definition - Fine-looking; only superficially attractive; initially appealing but having little substance; see petty.
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
  • Definition - Cunning; clever, skilful.
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
  • Definition - Moderately large; considerable.
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
  • Definition - Excellent, commendable, pleasing; fitting or proper (of actions, thoughts etc.).
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
  • Definition - Awkward, unpleasant.
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
  • Definition - Somewhat, fairly, quite; sometimes also (by meiosis) very.
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
  • Definition - Prettily, in a pretty manner.
  • Example - We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
pretty 11
5 Letter Words
petty 10
4 Letter Words
prey 9 pyre 9 type 9 trey 7 tyer 7 tyre 7 yett 7 pert 6 tret 4
3 Letter Words
pry 8 pye 8 yep 8 rye 6 try 6 tye 6 yer 6 yet 6 per 5 pet 5 rep 5 ret 3 tet 3
2 Letter Words
ye 5 pe 4 er 2 et 2 re 2 te 2