• Definition - Anything, as goods, etc., taken or got by violence; anything taken by force from an enemy in war
  • Definition - That which is or may be seized by animals or birds to be devoured; hence, a person given up as a victim.
  • Definition - A living thing that is eaten by another living thing.
  • Example - The rabbit was eaten by the coyote, so the rabbit is the coyote's prey.
  • Definition - The act of devouring other creatures; ravage.
  • Example - The rabbit was eaten by the coyote, so the rabbit is the coyote's prey.
  • Definition - The victim of a disease.
  • Example - The rabbit was eaten by the coyote, so the rabbit is the coyote's prey.
  • Definition - To act as a predator.
  • Example - The rabbit was eaten by the coyote, so the rabbit is the coyote's prey.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
prey 9 pyre 9
3 Letter Words
pry 8 pye 8 yep 8 rye 6 yer 6 per 5 rep 5
2 Letter Words
ye 5 pe 4 er 2 re 2