• Definition - To place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect.
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - To ask; to set (a test, quiz, riddle, etc.).
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - To constitute (a danger, a threat, a risk, etc.).
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - (in the phrase "to pose as") To falsely impersonate (another person or occupation) primarily for the purpose of accomplishing something or reaching a goal.
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - To assume or maintain a pose; to strike an attitude.
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - To behave affectedly in order to attract interest or admiration.
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - To interrogate; to question.
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - To question with a view to puzzling; to embarrass by questioning or scrutiny; to bring to a stand.
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - To ask (someone) questions; to interrogate.
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - To puzzle, non-plus, or embarrass with difficult questions.
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - To perplex or confuse (someone).
  • Example - To pose a model for a picture.
  • Definition - The act by which something is posed.
  • Example - different posings of what was essentially the same question
  • Definition - The act of one who poses or postures.
  • Example - different posings of what was essentially the same question
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
gipons 9 pingos 9 posing 9
5 Letter Words
gipon 8 oping 8 pingo 8 pings 8 pongs 8 opsin 7 pions 7
4 Letter Words
gips 7 pigs 7 ping 7 pong 7 nips 6 pins 6 pion 6 piso 6 pois 6 pons 6 snip 6 spin 6 gins 5 nogs 5 sign 5 sing 5 snog 5 song 5 ions 4
3 Letter Words
gip 6 pig 6 nip 5 ops 5 pin 5 pis 5 poi 5 pos 5 psi 5 sip 5 sop 5 gin 4 gis 4 gos 4 nog 4 sig 4 ins 3 ion 3 nos 3 ons 3 sin 3 son 3
2 Letter Words
op 4 pi 4 po 4 gi 3 go 3 in 2 is 2 no 2 oi 2 on 2 os 2 si 2 so 2