• Definition - The common minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus.
  • Definition - A young Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, before it becomes a smolt; a parr.
  • Definition - A narrow boat.
  • Definition - A stab.
  • Definition - Any of various flowers in the genus Dianthus, sometimes called carnations.
  • Example - This garden in particular has a beautiful bed of pinks.
  • Definition - A perfect example; excellence, perfection; the embodiment of some quality.
  • Example - Your hat, madam, is the very pink of fashion.
  • Definition - The colour of this flower, between red and white; pale red.
  • Example - My new dress is a wonderful shade of pink.
  • Definition - Hunting pink; scarlet, as worn by hunters.
  • Example - My new dress is a wonderful shade of pink.
  • Definition - One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 6 points.
  • Example - Oh dear, he's left himself snookered behind the pink.
  • Definition - An unlettered and uncultured, but relatively prosperous, member of the middle classes; compare Babbitt, bourgeoisie.
  • Example - Oh dear, he's left himself snookered behind the pink.
  • Definition - The vagina or vulva.
  • Example - Oh dear, he's left himself snookered behind the pink.
  • Definition - A socialist who is not wholly communist.
  • Example - Oh dear, he's left himself snookered behind the pink.
  • Definition - Flowers in the family Caryophyllaceae, sometimes called carnations.
  • Example - Oh dear, he's left himself snookered behind the pink.
  • Definition - The traditional scarlet jacket(s) worn by fox-hunters in the United Kingdom.
  • Example - Oh dear, he's left himself snookered behind the pink.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
pinks 11
4 Letter Words
kips 10 pink 10 skip 10 spik 10 inks 8 kins 8 sink 8 skin 8 nips 6 pins 6 snip 6 spin 6
3 Letter Words
kip 9 ink 7 kin 7 kis 7 ski 7 nip 5 pin 5 pis 5 psi 5 sip 5 ins 3 sin 3
2 Letter Words
ki 6 pi 4 in 2 is 2 si 2