• Definition - To group into one or more sets of two.
  • Example - The wedding guests were paired boy/girl and groom's party/bride's party.
  • Definition - To bring two (animals, notably dogs) together for mating.
  • Example - The wedding guests were paired boy/girl and groom's party/bride's party.
  • Definition - To engage (oneself) with another of opposite opinions not to vote on a particular question or class of questions.
  • Example - The wedding guests were paired boy/girl and groom's party/bride's party.
  • Definition - To suit; to fit, as a counterpart.
  • Example - The wedding guests were paired boy/girl and groom's party/bride's party.
  • Definition - To impair, to make worse.
  • Example - The wedding guests were paired boy/girl and groom's party/bride's party.
  • Definition - To become worse, to deteriorate.
  • Example - The wedding guests were paired boy/girl and groom's party/bride's party.
  • Definition - The combination or union of two things.
  • Example - The wedding guests were paired boy/girl and groom's party/bride's party.
  • Definition - An agreement between two members of a legislative body holding opposite opinions to refrain from voting, so that both may absent themselves.
  • Example - The wedding guests were paired boy/girl and groom's party/bride's party.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
pairing 10
6 Letter Words
paring 9 raping 9 riping 9 rapini 8 airing 7
5 Letter Words
aping 8 piing 8 prang 8 piani 7 garni 6 grain 6 iring 6
4 Letter Words
grip 7 pang 7 ping 7 prig 7 nipa 6 pain 6 pair 6 pian 6 pina 6 pirn 6 agin 5 gain 5 girn 5 gnar 5 gran 5 grin 5 ragi 5 rang 5 ring 5 airn 4 inia 4 rain 4 rani 4
3 Letter Words
gap 6 gip 6 pig 6 nap 5 nip 5 pan 5 par 5 pia 5 pin 5 rap 5 rip 5 gan 4 gar 4 gin 4 nag 4 rag 4 rig 4 ain 3 air 3 ani 3 rai 3 ran 3 ria 3 rin 3
2 Letter Words
pa 4 pi 4 ag 3 gi 3 ai 2 an 2 ar 2 in 2 na 2