• Definition - That which is produced or occurs as a result of an event or process.
  • Example - A quality automobile is the outcome of the work of skilled engineers and thousands of workers.
  • Definition - The result of a random trial. An element of a sample space.
  • Example - Three is a possible outcome of tossing a six-sided die.
  • Definition - The anticipated or desired results or evidence of a learning experience (often used in the phrase learning outcomes).
  • Example - The outcomes of this course are outlined in your syllabus.
  • Synonyms - learning objective
  • Definition - The scoreline; the result.
  • Example - The outcomes of this course are outlined in your syllabus.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
outcome 11
5 Letter Words
comet 9 comte 9
4 Letter Words
come 8 coot 6 cote 6 cute 6 meou 6 moot 6 mote 6 moue 6 mute 6 toco 6 tome 6 toom 6
3 Letter Words
cum 7 moc 7 coo 5 cot 5 cue 5 cut 5 eco 5 ecu 5 emo 5 emu 5 met 5 moo 5 mot 5 mut 5 tec 5 tom 5 tum 5 oot 3 out 3 toe 3 too 3 ute 3
2 Letter Words
em 4 me 4 mo 4 mu 4 om 4 um 4 et 2 oe 2 te 2 to 2 ut 2