• Definition - A lawyer of noncontentious private civil law who drafts, takes, and records legal instruments for private parties, and provides legal advice, but does not appear in court on clients' behalf.
  • Definition - (common law) A notary public, a legal practitioner who prepares, attests to, and certifies documents, witnesses affidavits, and administers oaths.
  • Definition - A lay notary public, who serves as an impartial witness to the signing of important documents, but who is not authorised to practise law.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
aroynt 9 notary 9
5 Letter Words
atony 8 rayon 8 trona 5
4 Letter Words
arty 7 nary 7 oaty 7 ryot 7 tony 7 tory 7 tray 7 troy 7 tyro 7 yarn 7 nota 4 rant 4 rato 4 roan 4 rota 4 tarn 4 taro 4 tora 4 torn 4
3 Letter Words
any 6 nay 6 ray 6 rya 6 toy 6 try 6 yar 6 yon 6 ant 3 art 3 nor 3 not 3 oar 3 oat 3 ora 3 ort 3 ran 3 rat 3 rot 3 tan 3 tao 3 tar 3 ton 3 tor 3
2 Letter Words
ay 5 oy 5 ya 5 yo 5 an 2 ar 2 at 2 na 2 no 2 on 2 or 2 ta 2 to 2