• Definition - (ditransitive) To give a name to.
  • Example - One visitor named Hou Yugang said he was not too concerned about climate change and Baishui’s melting.
  • Definition - To mention, specify.
  • Example - He named his demands.
  • Definition - To identify as relevant or important
  • Example - naming the problem
  • Definition - To publicly implicate.
  • Example - The painter was named as an accomplice.
  • Definition - To designate for a role.
  • Example - My neighbor was named to the steering committee.
  • Definition - (Westminster system politics) To initiate a process to temporarily remove a member of parliament who is breaking the rules of conduct.
  • Example - My neighbor was named to the steering committee.
  • Definition - Having a name.
  • Example - My neighbor was named to the steering committee.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
admen 8 amend 8 maned 8 menad 8 named 8
4 Letter Words
dame 7 damn 7 made 7 mead 7 mend 7 amen 6 mane 6 mean 6 name 6 nema 6 dean 5
3 Letter Words
dam 6 mad 6 med 6 mae 5 man 5 men 5 nam 5 and 4 dan 4 den 4 end 4 ane 3 nae 3
2 Letter Words
am 4 em 4 ma 4 me 4 ad 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 ae 2 an 2 en 2 na 2 ne 2