• Definition - A structure placed across a flowing body of water to stop the flow or part of the flow, generally for purposes such as retaining or diverting some of the water or retarding the release of accumulated water to avoid abrupt flooding.
  • Example - A dam is often an essential source of water to farmers of hilly country.
  • Definition - The water reservoir resulting from placing such structure.
  • Example - Boats may only be used at places set aside for boating on the dam.
  • Definition - A device to prevent a tooth from getting wet during dental work, consisting of a rubber sheet held with a band.
  • Example - Boats may only be used at places set aside for boating on the dam.
  • Definition - A reservoir.
  • Example - Boats may only be used at places set aside for boating on the dam.
  • Definition - A firebrick wall, or a stone, which forms the front of the hearth of a blast furnace.
  • Example - Boats may only be used at places set aside for boating on the dam.
  • Definition - To block the flow of water.
  • Example - Boats may only be used at places set aside for boating on the dam.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
dam 6 mad 6
2 Letter Words
am 4 ma 4 ad 3 da 3