• Definition - An idea or communication that makes one want to act, especially from spiritual sources; a divine prompting.
  • Definition - An incentive to act in a particular way; a reason or emotion that makes one want to do something; anything that prompts a choice of action.
  • Definition - A limb or other bodily organ that can move.
  • Definition - Something which causes someone to want to commit a crime; a reason for criminal behaviour.
  • Example - No-one could understand why she had hidden the shovel; her motives were obscure at best.
  • Definition - A motif.
  • Example - No-one could understand why she had hidden the shovel; her motives were obscure at best.
  • Definition - A motif; a theme or subject, especially one that is central to the work or often repeated.
  • Example - If you listen carefully, you can hear the flutes mimicking the cello motive.
  • Definition - To prompt or incite by a motive or motives; to move.
  • Example - If you listen carefully, you can hear the flutes mimicking the cello motive.
  • Synonyms - motivate
  • Definition - Causing motion; having power to move, or tending to move
  • Example - a motive argument
  • Synonyms - moving
  • Definition - Relating to motion and/or to its cause
  • Example - a motive argument
  • Synonyms - motional
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
motive 11
5 Letter Words
movie 10 vomit 10
4 Letter Words
move 9 veto 7 vote 7 emit 6 item 6 mite 6 mote 6 omit 6 time 6 tome 6
3 Letter Words
vim 8 vet 6 vie 6 voe 6 emo 5 met 5 moi 5 mot 5 tom 5 tie 3 toe 3
2 Letter Words
em 4 me 4 mi 4 mo 4 om 4 et 2 it 2 oe 2 oi 2 te 2 ti 2 to 2